
Keep Flies, Insects, Pests and Vermin Out Of Your Home!

Flies are a major issue in Australia and an even bigger issue when they are finding their way down into your cooking areas. In our 18+ years’ experience installing rangehoods we have seen many instances of blowflies breeding in flexi-duct and in most cases finding their way down through the motor and ending up on top of the filters directly above the food cooking station.

During our servicing work we regularly come across a variety of insects and in some instances small rats and mice that have climbed through the standard mushroom vent openings ending up inside the ducting and/or rangehood … these are some of the issues our Dragon Vents resolve!

Our Dragon Vents are all designed with this in mind … hence they are enclosed with stainless mesh to ensure nothing but air gets through, inside and out.

Protect Your Home from Bush Fire Attacks

With embers from bushfires being carried by the wind for up to 3 kilometres ahead of a fire front, as a homeowner you need to be able to manage all egresses into your home.  The cause of many house fires is not actually due to direct flame contact – in most cases fires are caused by this floating ember attack.

Embers are drawn into the house via existing openings (especially through the roof cover) as there can be a vacuum pressure caused by the existing roof vents.  The air flows through the vents, drawing the hot embers with it into the internal areas of the house.

A requirement of building in bushfire rated areas is to follow the Australian Standards (AS3959). The Standard has been written to help you protect your home in case of a bushfire and defines bushfire prone areas into six bushfire attack levels (BAL).  Each BAL rating is based on the severity of the building’s potential exposure to ember attack, radiant heat and direct flame contact:

  • BAL LOW – very low risk
  • BAL 12.5 – low risk
  • BAL 19    – moderate risk
  • BAL 29   – high risk
  • BAL 40   – very high risk
  • BAL FZ   – extreme risk (Flame Zone)

All Dragon vent products are constructed so they comply to AS3959 and meet the regulations by managing any bushfire rating from BAL 12.5 to BAL 40 . The design of the HVS Dragon venting systems stops embers entering the home as it is fitted with bush fire rated steel mesh.

Our mesh will ensure the air flow from your appliances are enhanced (not restricted, like other standard mushroom style roof vents) and will meet the appliance manufacturers extraction specification. This reduces the risk of damage to your home in case of a bushfire while our engineering ensures there is no negative impact on the performance of your appliances.

Increase Your Homes Solar Panels Efficiency

The HVS Dragon eaves (and wall) vent eliminates the need for roof vents to be used when solar panels are installed on new homes.  Solar power is a fast-growing industry, and the panels are typically fitted around existing roof vents on all established and new homes.

It is estimated that the average rangehood deposits 4.5 litres of cooking fat into the atmosphere every year.  The standard roof vents being supplied to the industry exhaust the household cooking fats and effluents directly down on to the roof.  This in turn covers any solar panels in the vicinity with cooking effluents … and dirty solar panels reduce the power efficiency by 5-10%.

Further to this, cooking effluents (including grease) can only be removed with detergents which solar panel manufacturers specifically state cannot be used to clean the glass on solar panels.

With millions of homes in Australia now having solar panels, in order for them to work at their peak they need to be kept as clean as possible.  Standard roof vents push air and by-products directly down towards the roof cover, which often leaves solar panels covered in cooking effluents and in turn attracts dust and particles that lower the energy efficiency of the systems.

Our Dragon Vents range have been designed to be solar panel friendly, allowing the air to be exhausted in an upwards direction away from the roof, which reduces the level of particle build-up and contaminants on your roof covers and solar panels.

Helps Prevent Corrosion and Mould Build-Up

Corrosion on standard vents and mould build-up on roof covers are a common problem in both new and existing homes.  With homeowners often not aware of an issue until a leak causes visible damage to the ceiling (or a ceiling exhaust fan to burn-out), prevention via profession venting is your first line of defence.

Areas that have excessive wind exposure as well as coastal areas with high salt content in the air can also lead to excessive corrosion and damage to standard roof vents.  

The Dragon Vent products have been manufactured using the highest quality materials such as 316 marine grade stainless steel and powder coated galvanised steel to combat this.  All our products and kits (including the accessories) lower the potential for corrosion.

Keep Your Kitchen Free of Contaminates

Current studies have shown that gas cooking appliances can increase the amount of carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide in your kitchen.  The right venting solution will ensure that the quantity of these by-products left in the air is minimised for you and your family.

Using the correct venting products can also reduce the residue left in your kitchen during daily food preparation and cooking activities.  Without the right venting appliances, you will see an increase in staining on and around your cooktop.

A rangehood and the correct venting products will ensure your cooking area remains healthier and cleaner … and so does your family.

Hygienic Ventilation

When you use a Dragon Vent in conjunction with your appliance, there is no restriction placed on the exhaust system, therefore there is less chance of mould forming in the wet areas of your house.  

We optimise the exhaust performance of your appliance to a level that is greater than the Manufacturer’s warranty requirement.  Using a Dragon Venting product, you will have less restriction to the airflow created by high volume/pressure appliances which in turn will reduce the noise and increase the suction from your appliances motor.

The unique design will also lower your power usage and increases the longevity of the exhaust appliance.

Stylish Design for all Home Types

The DV-280 Dragon Vent was designed as a slimline, low profile venting solution that will add to the aesthetics of your home without compromising the recommended appliance airflow that it is ventilating. The DV-280 Dragon Vent sits below solar panels and gutter height once installed making it an aesthetically pleasing choice of producrt..

Cost-Effective, Long Term Product Solutions

With all our products fabricated from steel/steel mesh our customers are buying a long-term venting solution.  Cost effective and functionally superior when compared to existing products, Home Venting Solutions provide a one stop affordable solution for builders, owner builders and homeowners alike.  

After 18+ years in both the construction and service arms of the building industry, Home Venting Solution know that the reduction in after-sales appliance maintenance is just one of the many benefits of purchasing our energy-efficient stylish venting systems.

Our Mission

Our Mission: To revolutionise venting systems in Australia and give every customer a purpose built rangehood exhaust vent system that will enhance the efficiency of their chosen kitchen or BBQ rangehood.

Why: At Home Venting Solutions we place an emphasis on the safety of your family, which is the reason we focus on improving the efficiency of both indoor and outdoor rangehoods.

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